ECADI TEA battery contents

We are currently conducting the validation of the ECADI-TEA battery. If you are interested in collaborating in the research, please contact us.

2. General tasks and demands


General tasks and demands consists of 15 questions. It concerns the planning and execution of daily routines as well as the identification of errors and their correction. Identifying dangerous situations and crisis management are also included. These activities are very relevant for the autonomy and safety of the child. Problems in one or more of the categories may require sporadic or continuous supervision of the person being assessed.

3. Communication


The Communication scale consists of 12 questions and deals with the applied aspects of communication, initiating and maintaining conversation, conversing and discussing with one or several people. These activities are essential in all situations where interaction with other people takes place.

4. Mobility


The Mobility scale consists of 11 questions. It deals with activities related to walking short and long distances, moving around inside and outside the home, the use of means of transport to travel as a passenger, in transports such as car, bus, bicycle or car.

5. Self-care


It consists of 15 questions covering behaviours and activities traditionally considered as ‘basic activities of daily living’. These are behaviours that are central to a person’s autonomy, because they deal with basic aspects of self-care.

6. Main areas of life


Main Areas of Life consists of 8 questions related to educational performance. Specifically, they refer to entering, staying and progressing in an educational programme and to different forms of participation in the game.

7. Interpersonal relations


Interpersonal relations consists of 20 questions and deals with activities that involve acting with others in ways that are appropriate to the context and social environment, such as showing appreciation and consideration when appropriate, or responding to the feelings of others. These are key categories in communication and human relationships and moderate or severe problems in any of them can be an obstacle to both the use of treatments and the social participation of the person assessed. In addition, interpersonal interactions and relationships with specific categories of people, such as acquaintances, friends, housemates or family, are assessed.

8. Community life


This scale is composed of 6 questions dealing with actions and tasks necessary to participate in organised social life outside the family environment such as participation in cultural, sports or leisure activities in the community.

On this site we present all relevant information about the BECAD and ECADI batteries, developed by our group. They are based on the International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health (ICF), which is part of the World Health Organisation’s family of health classifications.

The Battery of Evaluation of Capacity and Performance (BECAD) is aimed at the measurement of functioning and disability in adults. It is a registered tool and is part of the patent portfolio of the Generalitat Valenciana.

The ECADI is the children’s version of the BECAD. We are currently starting its validation and application to children with autism spectrum disorder. On this website we will publish the results of the project as they are produced.

In the public part of the website we publish the results of the research projects.

Subscribers can administer and correct the scales. The web application generates downloadable reports. You can also access tutorials and other training materials about the ICF and our assessment batteries. These will make it easier for you to use our tools.