BECADI 2023 SL is exempt from any type of responsibility derived from the information published on its website as long as it has no effective knowledge that this information has been manipulated or introduced by a third party. outside of it or, if it has one, has acted diligently to remove the data or make access to it impossible.
Ethological standards
BECAD and ECADI batteries are aimed at evaluating functioning and autonomy with the integrative model of the International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health of the World Health Organization. Health (WHO, 2001). This report has been generated automatically from the Formidable Forms application and has been carried out by the BECADI 2023 R&D team, led by Doctor Micaela Moro Ípola.
The results come from the data entered by the professional responsible for the administration. The administration must be carried out by a duly accredited professional from the health, social or educational disciplines, who are obliged to follow the deontological principles of their profession. It is essential to know the International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health model as well as the technical characteristics and specific administration instructions for BECAD or ECADI batteries, which can be found in the respective technical manuals.
Although the use of BECAD and ECADI batteries is intended for health and socio-health professionals, for the ethical use of the battery we adhere to the standards of the “American Psychological Association”, assumed by the General Council of Psychology of Spain.
According to these standards, the tests are classified into three levels that determine the acquisition possibilities according to the applicant’s specific training and qualifications.
(a): Training and experience in the specific field of application.
(b): Knowledge of the theory of tests and statistical methods, guaranteed by the corresponding academic qualification.
(c): Higher qualification in Psychology, Psychiatry or Psychopedagogy.
In the case of the BECAD, point c) is extended to graduates in other medical specialties (namely: Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine, Neurology and a master’s degree in Body Damage Assessment ) and health, such as Occupational Therapy, Physiotherapy and Speech Therapy.
For teaching use, by undergraduate or postgraduate students of the aforementioned degrees, the responsible professor or institution will be contacted, through the contract called “Academy”.
The administrators of this website (https://www.becad.org) reserve the right to prevent access and use of the evaluation instruments if their ethical and professional use cannot be guaranteed, which will be communicated by email. email to the account holder.
International Guidelines for the use of tests
These essential guidelines promoted by the International Tests Commission (ITC) and whose Spanish version was carried out by the Official College of Psychologists, they were created to establish the best professional and ethical use of the tests and describe their correct use, paying special attention to the needs and rights of the people involved in the evaluation process and taking into account the reasons for using the tests, as well as the context in which their application is carried out.
Minimum standards for the use of Tests
The General Council of Official Colleges of Psychologists, the coordinating and representative body of the Official Colleges of Psychologists and the Autonomous Councils, proposes to all professionals these standards for correct and efficient use of tests.